The IMT PN OnTouch series offers all of the advantages of a fully integrated nitrogen generating system. The continual measurement and monitoring of all operating values offers the highest possible protection for the whole production process. All measured values are logged and displayed on the INMATEC touch control panel and are also available for further processing via the remote control operation.
The IMT PN OnTouch series can be monitored and operated from any computer workstation in the world through the latest networking technology.
The industry standard 4.0 is a real innovation for your security.
The advantages and effectiveness of the IMT PN OnTouch nitrogen generators guarantee savings from the first minute.
Nitrogen from 10,7 Nm³/h – 2.380,00 Nm³/h
N2-Purity from 95% up to 99,999% (5.0) / 10 ppm (residual oxygen)
The IMT PNC series enables the generation of ultrapure nitrogen (5.0) at low cost and with full control of all operating values.
The novel PNC technology developed by INMATEC increases the efficiency of the PSA technology used thanks to innovative flow technology combined with advanced vortex technology. Consequently, when nitrogen molecules are separated from oxygen molecules, significantly more nitrogen is produced with lower compressed air requirements. This saves energy and lowers costs. In addition, special volume-controlled technology optimises the cycle times of N2 generation. In combination with speed-efficient compressors, the compressed air requirement is also reduced.
A further benefit is the continuous measurement and monitoring of all operating values. The touch control panel L can be used to take a reading of the recorded nitrogen purity and output pressure at any time. Remote access also allows the generator to be monitored and controlled from anywhere in the world. This Industry 4.0 standard (remote monitoring box) offers the best possible protection for the entire production process.
The IMT PNC nitrogen generator can be fully integrated and provides ultrapure nitrogen from in-house production, the highest level of efficiency, significant cost savings and state-of-the-art remote control technology for a seamless process.
With the IMT SN product line, INMATEC offers a further option for stationary and mobile nitrogen production. Through the painted memory technology in compact and space-saving construction, small to medium quantities of nitrogen can be produced for the most varied areas of application at low compressed air supply.
Nitrogen from 4,70 Nm³/h – 160,00 Nm³/h
Nitrogen purity from 95% up to 99,5%
Efficient and therefore cost-effective alternative to the previous supply with nitrogen bundles or tank systems.
The IMT MN product line others the possibility to produce nitrogen for the most varied areas of application with proven membrane technology and compact construction as well as low compressed air supply.
The multilingual touch control panel continually measures and monitors all operating values. The touch control panel offers the highest possible protection for the whole production process. All measured values are logged and can be further processed or even remote controlled from any computer workstation in the world by the remote control procedure.